The Role of the Events of Fadak in the Formation of Differences between the Islamic Sunni and Shia laws

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of International Private Law and Comparative Law of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Ukraine.

2 Head of the Department of International Private Law and Comparative Law of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University.


Sunni and Shia law are the two main components of Islamic law. Each of them has its own sources, in accordance with which religious scholars make their legal decisions. Analyzing the history of the emergence of madhhabs, we can see that their formation was influenced by historical, religious, political, social, economic, and other factors. In the first century of the Hijri calendar (Islamic chronology), many distinctive features of Islamic law emerged, and the emerging Islamic society created its own legal institutions. At the same time, one should note the fact that in the early history of the Islamic state and the formation of Islamic law, there were events in which we can see the reflection of certain religious and legal ideas, which later formed the basis of differences both between madhhabs and between whole directions of Islamic law. These events took place almost immediately after the death of the Prophet Muhammad. In this article, we have carried out a retrospective analysis of one such event—debates about the ownership of the lands of Fadak, where interests of the Prophet's companions clashed with those of the members of his family.


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